Welcome to GraceWilling Facilities Management


All companies utilise or own facilities, equipment, resources and infrastructure to carry out day to day operations. In order to effectively manage these facilities, companies require a facilities and maintenance strategy, implementation plan and inspection/ verification process to support and sustain their core business activities.


Key Services Offered :

  • Construction
  • Asset Management
  • Facilities Management consulting
  • Health and safety management
  • Lease management
  • Procurement and cost control
  • Rental payment
  • Technical and Soft services contracting
  • Technical and Soft services management
  • Utilities payment

Electrical Work

Electric systems management, installation and COC(Certification of Compliance) certification.

Garden Services & Landscaping

Service and maintenance of all garden services, from planting, lawn mowing, pruning, cultivation and pesticides. Servicing of indoor and outdoor plants.

Construction & Building

Construction and building management; sourcing of contractors, and building management.

Catering Services

Catering for small, medium and large events and businesses, as well as management of canteen services.

Cleaning & Hygiene

Servicing and management of all cleaning and hygiene services.

Waste Management

Servicing and management of waste collection and disposal of all waste collected.

Other Services

Air conditioning

Servicing, management and installation of airconditioning infrastructure.

Security Systems

Servicing, management and installation of security systems.

Lifts & Escalators

Servicing and maintenance of lift and escalator services

Pest Control

Servicing and management of building and office pests controls


Design or replacement of signage.


Management and maintenance of plumbing services

Question & Answer

Are we registered?

We are registered with CIPC our business registration number: 2014/183292/07

Are we B-BBEEE compliant?

We are B-BBEEE compliant and 50% of our share holder stake is black female

ISO Cerification

Gracewilling Trading and Projects have not been achieved accreditation with ISO organisation and is therefore striving to achieve accreditation in the near future.

Contract Cleaning National Provident Fund registered?

Grace Willing is CCNPF registered: 12/8/36998/1

Health Certificate

Gracewilling, is certified in terms of the regulations governing general hygiene requirements for food premises and the transport of food.

UIF registration

Gracewilling is registered with the UIF, however registration could not effect because no employees have been defined yet.

Compensation for Occupational injuries and disease

Gracewilling is registered with a tender letter for the compensation for Occupational injuries and disease which will be in effect once the company assumes employees.

Latest News about our Industry


To build a dynamic, vibrant and pro-active facilities management business, creating opportunity and add value


To be the principal facilities management business through innovative and focused business solution, providing sound, extraordinary quality services.

Values: Integrity

Professional integrity all the time

Values: Responsibility

Handling every task with due care and responsibility

Values: Commitment

Commitment to complete all duties and tasks

Values : Reliability

Accountability for all actions taken